Turning 100 is a milestone worth celebrating.

And that’s why, to mark the centenary of the Poppy Appeal this year, RSL Victoria created the one-and-a-half-metre tall numbers covered in 5000 poppies.

Not only will it bring some unique joy to the communities it travels to, but it’s also expected to spark a much-needed new talking point and of course highlight the Poppy Appeal’s importance.

Shepparton RSL volunteers and members Bruce and Sandy with the 100

The annual Poppy Appeal is one of the RSL’s biggest fundraisers, which ultimately helps to deliver services like crisis accommodation and health and wellbeing programs to veterans and their families across the state.

The traveling 100 will pop up in metro and regional locations across Victoria in the lead up to Remembrance Day
The traveling 100 will pop up in metro and regional locations across Victoria in the lead up to Remembrance Day

The latest initiative has been inspired by the success of the ginormous #remember letters in 2018, which were decorated by schoolchildren around the state and installed at The Shrine of Remembrance and various city locations.

Shepparton will be the first stop for the travelling numbers, with several other regional and metro locations to be revealed over the next few weeks in the lead up to Remembrance Day.